Join our Soap Academy Mailing list if you are interested in becoming a founding member.
The price is £7 per month for founding members who join knowing that the current content is quite small. Founding members are there to test the membership and to help the creator to build the membership around topics and content that is valuable to its members. You will basically be a sounding board and are welcome to share anything that you think would be useful in the membership area so that I can create the content that is wanted and needed by the members.
Founding members can be anyone with an interest in soap-making - from beginner to advanced to business owners. There will be relevant content to suit all levels of learning and all interests.
Once the membership is ready (approx August 2023), we will open the doors to full paying members at £27 per month. We will close the membership regularly and new members will only be able to join a few times a year. The cost for members from 2025 will be £47 per month.
Some of the ideas I have for content are :
Templates for batch notes, curing cards, supplier comparisons, costing calculations
How To videos / tutorials / step by step soap-making
The definitive guide to using natural colours in cold process soap
The definitive guide to using Milk in cold process soap
The definitive guide to using fruit and vegetables in cold process soap
The Temperature Transfer Method
Equipment Guidance, moulds, cutters and more
Essential Oils - properties, blending, tried and tested blends
Formulating - SAP values, Lye calculators, Fatty acid profiles, Lye discounts, Water Discounts, Lye Concentrations, Superfatting
Costing your formulas
Starting a business and all that entails, sales, marketing, legislation, insurance, inventory management, recipe formulation, packaging choices, USPs, branding, websites, ecommerce, events, social media, how to wear all the hats as a small business owner and sooooooo much more
Tech sessions - canva tutorials, sm3, shopify
Collaborations with other soapmakers - invitations to share formulas
There is a facebook group that you will be invited to join once you join as a founding member.
You can't subscribe here on the Soapology website, please click here - join the mailing list and we will be in touch.