Business Legislation Module
Business Legislation Module

Business Legislation Module


Regular price £250.00 Sale


121 Session

Cost £250 (3 hours plus follow up support)


The course is usually available either in person or online with a 1hour skype or phone call included however due to restrictions it is only available online right now.

We are often asked what people need to do in order to comply with regulations and sell their soaps in the UK.  

This information is not covered on our Introduction to Cold Processed Soap Making Course.  Its is a complicated subject and requires its own course.

This module is now available to book, if you have previously completed the Introduction to Cold Processed Soap Making Course either 121 or in a group workshop.

 You will be taught everything you need to know to comply with EU regulations which includes PIFs, Safety Assessments, GMP, CPNP and labelling requirements.

You can of course teach yourself this information by spending a lot of time researching online and contacting various advisors.  This course contains nothing that isn't freely available online however it will provide everything you need to know in one short 3 hour session and provide you with a list of people/organisations to contact to get started selling your products.  


The course consists of the following :


Regulation 1223/2009 – what is it?


Cosmetic Safety Assessment

•Do I need one?

•Where do I get one?

•How much do they cost?

•How long does it take to get one?

•Do I have to send product samples to the assessor?



•INCI format

•What exactly do I need to put on my labels and in what order?

•What are allergens?

•Do I need to declare all allergens?

•How do I work out if I need to declare an allergen?

•Ingredients for CP or HP Soaps – is this different?

•Can I sell my soaps naked?

•Weights and measures – tell me more

•Colours and Fragrances – using the correct terminology

•Shelf life – open jars symbol, period after opening or best before end?



•Stability Testing – what is it and do I need it?

•Microbiological Testing – what is it and do I need it?

•Preservative Efficacy Testing – what is it and do I need it?



•What is it?

•How do I do it?


Product Information Files

•What is a PIF?  What do I need to do to create one?

•Batch notes – how to create accurate batch notes & batch note template


Natural or Organic Certification

•Is this compulsory?  How do I do it?


The Guild of Craft Soap and Toiletry Makers

•What is this?


Good Manufacturing Process

•What is this?  How do I comply?


Food Imitation Law

•What is this?  Can I still sell cupcake soaps?  



•What Insurance do I need to sell my products?


Trading Standards

•Who regulates the industry?  

•Will I get into trouble if I do something wrong?


Claiming Results

•What you can and can’t say about your products.


Your Business Name

•Registering your name

•Sole trader or Limited company

•Companies House

•Intellectual Property and Trademarking

•Self Assessment